Education Kits
The teacher-led education kits created by the Huble Homestead/Giscome Portage Heritage Society have been revised and updated, and are now available to be borrowed through the School District 57 District Learning Commons!
These education kits have been edited by our staff to ensure that the research is up-to-date and that the content is relevant to BC's new curriculum goals. The kits incorporate interactive elements, such as games and storybooks, to help bring local history to life. They are also now available in French thanks to the generous support of the Kiwanis Club of Prince George and the Prince George Community Foundation!
The education kits are available through the SD District Learning Commons. Find their website here.
Education Kits
Historic Huble Homestead (Kindergarten - Grade 1)
This kit introduces students to basic aspects of Canadian settler culture with a particular focus on the Prince George area. Students will make comparisons between settler and modern life and explore topics including settler homes and children; settler interactions with the environment and First Nations people, specifically the Lheidli T'enneh; and an introduction to the Hubles, a family of local settlers. The kit includes an animal felt board activity, a Store Trading game, children's books, worksheets, and old-fashioned toys, crafts, and games.
Introduction to the Lheidli T'enneh (Kindergarten - Grade 3)
This kit provides a detailed introduction to Lheidli T'enneh culture, both pre- and post-European contact. Topics include traditional foods and plants, legends and learning, and relations with Europeans. The kit includes a seasonal round felt board activity, access to a traditional Lheidli T'enneh legend, a First Nations Fish Camp photo package, a Store Trading game, children books, and worksheets.
Historic Huble Homestead (Grade 2 - 3)
This kit introduces students to basic aspects of Canadian settler culture with a particular focus on the Prince George area. Students will explore settlers' relationships with the environment and how settlers met their basic wants and needs. Topics include interactions with animals; growing, storing and preserving food; the purpose and function of general stores; and introductions to the Lheidli T'enneh and the Huble family. This kit includes a felt board activity, butter making instructions, a Store Trading game, children's books, and worksheets.