General Store
Edward Seebach and Al Huble met in Fort George around 1903 and formed what would be a lifetime business partnership. They acquired adjoining land at the start of the Giscome Portage and set up a general store selling to trappers in the area as well as to those passing over the Portage. The first store operated out of a log cabin the men had constructed for their first winter on the homestead in 1903.
Ten years later a false-front general store was built to accommodate the increase in business that Seebach and Huble were enjoying. The new building was built facing the river and painted white as a means of drawing the attention of travelers on the Fraser River, which included construction crews for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad, paddlewheel boats, prospectors, trappers, and homesteaders.
Settlers living in the area could purchase everything from candy and tobacco, to clothing, tack, hardware, and staples such as flour, rice, and beans. After purchasing their 'outfits', travelers and homesteaders could catch up on the news of the day. Customers could also trade their furs for goods in the store. As a side business Seebach and Huble also freighted supplies to throughout the area from Soda Creek to McLeod Lake, guided boats through the Giscome Rapids, and sold travelers fresh fruit and vegetables from their gardens.

World War I and the coming of the railway would have a negative impact on Seebach & Huble Merchandising. The number of people passing through the trading post steadily declined. By 1919 a road from Prince George to Summit Lake was completed, bypassing the Huble Homestead entirely. That year the store was closed and the partners moved on to operate other businesses in Prince George, Summit Lake, and McLeod Lake. The family later used the lumber from the store to build a cabin at Summit Lake.
Seebach & Huble General Merchandising officially reopened to the public on July 20, 1997. The Store was reconstructed based on historic photographs, diary excerpts, and the recollections of the Huble children. Today the General Store sells a wide variety of old-fashioned candy, breakfast and lunch items from the barbeque, and a unique selection of locally crafted goods.