Geocaches at Huble Homestead
Explore Huble Homestead in a whole new way!
Learn more about Jamaican miner John Robert Giscome with this newly created geocache hidden for PGCAR 2022.
Walk Lhdesti, the trail traditionally used by the Lheidli T'enneh as a trade route and path to hunting and gathering grounds, and find this newly placed cache hidden for PGCAR 2022.
Learn more about the tragic tale of the Rennie party with this geocache challenge hidden for PGCAR 2022.
Discover the fun of geocaching at Huble Homestead by taking on our new geocache challenge that will also have you learning the history of the site and surrounding area!
Huble House Centennial Celebration
It's a throwback to 2012, when Huble Homestead celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Huble House - this geocache was created to help commemorate the occasion!

New to geocaching? The activity is defined as "a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location." For more information, or a guide on how to get started, visit the Geocaching website!
If you're a fan of the Huble Homestead geocaches, you may wish to take a hike and visit the following caches along Lhdesti, also known as the Giscome Portage trail.
PGFD - TFL30 - Giscome Portage Trail
BC Parks 100: Giscome Portage Trail
Huble Homestead Historic Site is a 30 minute drive north of Prince George, BC. Leave the city behind, and make your way up Highway 97, before turning off on Mitchell Road to continue another 6 kilometres down a well-maintained dirt road.
Huble Homestead is dog friendly and open daily for guided tours and shopping in the General Store. Enjoy a picnic or purchase lunch from the BBQ as you relax in the fresh air. Admission is by donation, with a recommended amount of $10.00 per family.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.