Huble Diaries
The Huble Diaries span the period of 1909 to 1919. They were originally written by Albert Huble during his days of homesteading at the Giscome Portage. Huble wrote frequently, and though his entries were short, they often relate a large amount of information. The diaries give the dates of when Huble built his house and general store, detail his business interactions, give a name to numerous pioneers in the area, and finally offer a glimpse of life at the homestead.
The original diaries are currently in the possession of the Huble family; however, the family was kind enough to loan them to the Society. In 1986, Curle Witte, a founding member of the Society, spent many hours reading the diaries and recording them onto cassette tapes. He also added his own comments and explanations to them.
In 1988 these tapes were transcribed by Gisele St. Laurent: she listened to the tapes and typed them out so they could be printed. June Chamberland, president of the Society at the time, also devoted many hours to transcribing the diaries by hand. She also added her own comments. The diaries were then edited by J. Kent Sedgwick, a local historian, who included many of the comments made by Witte and Chamberland; he also added some of his own to the manuscript. These comments are found throughout the diaries and help clarify many of the entries.

The first diary begins on Friday, August 13th, of 1909; the tenth, and final, diary ends on Monday, December 29th, of 1919. Al Huble Jr. also states there are six additional diaries to which the whereabouts are unknown. The set of ten diaries that were loaned to the Huble Homestead/Giscome Portage Historical Society were complete from 1909 to 1919, except for one diary that covered 1911. However, several months after the first printing of the diary, the missing diary was discovered in an old desk located in the Huble house. Garth Lasko, a volunteer member of the Society, found a small red book wedged behind a drawer, which he then extracted. This book turned out to be the missing diary and it was added to the existing transcript.
View the Huble Diaries online as part of our online collections database. If you're interested in viewing an unmarked copy, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Purchase your own copy at the Seebach & Huble General Store, online, or by contacting us.