Teacher Resources for Regional Heritage Fair
Current Deadlines
Prince George Regional Heritage Fair: May 8, 2025
Class Registration Deadline: April 8, 2025
Student Registration Deadline: April 24, 2025
Links to Student Registration forms will be sent directly to teachers who have registered their classes.
Students must be in Grades 4 to 10 to participate in the Regional and Provincial Fairs.
Preparing for the Regional Fair
In order to participate in the Regional Fair, your class must be registered! Register online.
Read the Heritage Fair Manual for full details about preparing for and participating in Heritage Fairs.
When selecting students for the Regional Fair:
Choose a variety of project topics, ensuring they have strong Canadian heritage content.
Choose a variety of student ages and genders.
Choose projects that are innovative, creative, and visually attractive.
Choose projects that demonstrate the excellence or potential of your school.
If choosing a group project, have students complete the form provided by the Regional Coordinator and determine which student will be the representative if the project is chosen for Provincial Fair.
Ensure the students and projects you delegate to the Regional Fair are eligible:
Students must be in Grades 4 to 10 to participate at the Regional and Provincial levels.
Students and parents must complete and submit the Student Registration and Parental Consent Form by the deadline.
Students must independently produce all submissions. Teachers, parents, or other supervisors may provide guidance and assistance, but the student is responsible for the project and interview.
Projects must meet established guidelines for consideration to the Regional Fair.
Have students and parents fill out the Student Registration and Parental Consent Form. This form will be send to registered teachers by the Regional Coordinator, and can be completed via online form, or on paper forms collected and submitted to the Coordinator by the teacher.
Tips for Planning Classroom or School Fairs

Class or school fairs are not required for participating in the Regional or Provincial Fairs, but they are a great events that can:
help students gain confidence in their work by providing a "trial run."
increase student participation, especially for those who may not be selected to showcase their work at the Regional Fair.
provide assessment opportunities for teachers.
build school spirit and community.
Class and school fairs should be completed by mid-April so there is time to delegate students to the Regional Fair and submit their registration and parental consent forms.
Timeline for a Successful Classroom or School Fair:
January - March: Introducing Heritage Fairs and Completing Projects
Select a date for your Fair and check the school calendar for conflicts.
Register your class for the Regional Fair; fill out the registration form by April 8.
Promote your Fair to other teachers and invite other classes to participate, either as visitors, interviewers, or participants with their own projects.
Familiarize yourself with student project guidelines and criteria. Create a project evaluation form, or adapt the PG Regional Heritage Fair Judging Rubric as necessary.
Guide your students through their projects, prepare them for their interviews, and direct them towards useful resources.
March: Planning your Fair
Finalize the date, time, and location of your Fair and spread the word! Encourage other teachers and classes, support staff, parents, administrators, and others to attend.
Select judges and distribute judging rubrics. Recruit administrators, support staff, community members, etc. We recommend assigning judges projects to evaluate so all students have a chance to present. Allow judges 10-20 minutes to chat with each student.
Plan your opening ceremony, guest speakers, etc.
Early April: Hosting your Fair
Invite classes to view the projects and speak with the students. This may be one class at a time if the Fair is being hosted in a classroom or multipurpose room, or several classes if the Fair is located in a large space like the gym.
Have fun! There may be small glitches, but stay flexible. The Fair should be an enjoyable experience for everyone.
Mid-April: After your Fair
You will be notified by the Regional Coordinator about how many students from your class can attend the Regional Fair.
Select the students that will represent your school at Regional Fair, using whichever evaluation system you used.
Ensure that all students chosen for Regional Fair complete the Student Registration and Parental Consent Form by the registration deadline.
More Resources
Tips for creating successful Heritage Fair projects from Heritage Fair alumni
The Prince George Regional Heritage Fair is presented by: