Huble Homestead is always looking for volunteers! Our wonderful volunteers include people of all ages, all of whom are just interested in helping out. The combined contributions of our volunteers add up to hundreds of hours of time, every second of which helps our community have fun and helps our Society fulfill our mission of preserving an important part of local history.
Do you have a special interest? Some of our many volunteer opportunities include greeting visitors, leading games and crafts at events, on-site maintenance, serving on our board of directors, artifact restoration, data entry, in-town booths, assisting one of our committees, and much, much more! Whatever your interest, there's a place for you!
If you'd like to learn more about what volunteers do at Huble Homestead, please check our our Volunteer Information Package. If you already know you want to volunteer with us, fill out our online Volunteer Application Form to tell us how you can help out!
For any questions about volunteering, please contact us.

Upcoming Opportunities:
In-Town Opportunities
Board of Directors
Board Director – We always welcome interest in our board of directors. For information about joining our board, contact our office.
Costume Requirements: none
Time Commitment: 2 hours per month, which includes meetings and preparation time